Z namenom celovitega urejanja stanja odpadnih voda v porečju Sore so se povezale vse občine na Škofjeloškem in nadgradile kanalizacijski sistem in pripadajoče objekte ter čistilne naprave. Osrednji cilj projekta je bila dolgoročna ureditev stanja v porečju Sore z zanesljivo oskrbo gospodinjstev s kakovostno pitno vodo ter zaščita okolja, predvsem podtalnice in vodotokov.
Območje: Škofja Loka, Gorenja vas - Poljane, Železniki, Žiri
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 29.608.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Kohezijski sklad): 12.969.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Jerneja Klemenčič Lotrič: ‘’Wastewater collection and treatment through the construction, improvement and modernisation of sewer systems, wastewater treatment plants and associated facilities.’’
Four municipalities in the Škofja Loka region joined forces to deliver an integrated system of wastewater collection and treatment in the Sora River basin through the improvement and upgrading of the sewer system, treatment plants and associated facilities. The main goal of the project was to provide a long-term solution to wastewater collection and treatment and drinking water supply to guarantee a reliable supply of drinking water to households, and ensure that the environment is protected, particularly groundwater and watercourses.
Area: Škofja Loka, Gorenja vas - Poljane, Železniki, Žiri
- Indicative project value: EUR 29,608,000
- Indicative EU contribution (Cohesion Fund): EUR 12,969,000