Osrednje poslanstvo Posavske štipendijske sheme je bilo spodbujanje podjetij v regiji k štipendiranju mladih in načrtovanju razvoja kadrov, posledično pa podjetjem omogočiti dostop do izobraženih kadrov. Z odpiranjem zaposlitvenih možnosti so spodbujali mlade, da se po končanem šolanju vrnejo v regijo, zaradi česar se posledično tudi zvišuje raven izobrazbene strukture prebivalcev v regiji.
Območje: Posavje
- Okvirna vrednost projekta v letih 2008–2015: 3.484.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad) 2008–2015: 1.226.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Nataša Šterban Bezjak: ‘’The Posavje scholarship scheme allowed 346 individuals to gain scholarships in the past financial perspective.’’
The Posavje region tackled the brain drain by offering young people scholarships with local companies, many of which were struggling to fill technical posts due to a lack of skilled workers. The scholarships were a useful tool for recruiting quality people, while the scheme helped companies plan their long-term human resources needs. By creating job opportunities, the scheme helped reduce the structural mismatches in local labour markets by encouraging bright young individuals to stay in their home region or return from university, thus increasing educational attainment levels in the region.
Area: Posavje
- Indicative project value in the period 2008-2015: EUR 3,484,000
- Indicative EU contribution (ESF) in the period 2008-2015: EUR 1,226,000