S piškotki izboljšujemo vašo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo naših storitev se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. V redu Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo Kaj so piškotki?


Kompetenčni center za design management, ki je kot pilotni projekt uvajal design management v slovenska podjetja s ciljem povečati konkurenčnost in dodano vrednost, je bil uvrščen na prvo mesto med nagrajenci »Design Value Award«. Glavno sporočilo nagrajenega projekta je, da je za uspeh vseh podjetij pomembno, da se zavedajo pomena področja designa, njegovega vpliva na konkurenčnost izdelkov in storitev, pomembnosti razvoja znamk, opuščanje mentalitete sledilcev ter sorodnih znanj.

Območje: Ljubljana

  • Okvirna vrednost projekta: 433.000 evrov
  • Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 368.000 evrov

The project was nominated by Aleš Vidmar: ‘’The project brings together 19 companies to provide target-oriented training for company employees on the use of design with a view to boosting the competitiveness of participating companies.’’

Competence Center for Design Management, Slovenian pilot project seeking to introduce and integrate design management in Slovenian companies with a view to boosting their competitiveness and creating added value, won the world-renowned 2016 Design Value Award given out by the Design Management Institute from Boston. The main message of the awarded project for the companies wishing to succeed is that they need to acknowledge the importance of design management and the profound effect it has on the competitiveness of products and services, and the importance of branding, while accepting the fact that forward-looking attitude is the winning attitude which calls for abandoning comfort zones, i.e. the mentality of followers and relying on related knowledge.

Area: Ljubljana

  • Indicative project value: EUR 433,000
  • Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 368,000