Namen projekta je pospešiti internacionalizacijo Univerze na Primorskem, zlasti z večjim vključevanjem tujih strokovnjakov v pedagoški in raziskovalni proces. Ob tem Univerza izvaja tudi aktivnosti, ki krepijo njeno prepoznavnost v mednarodnem okolju.
Območje: Koper, Izola, Portorož
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 705.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 599.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Barbara Bradaš Premrl: ‘’The university gained momentum and EU-wide and international recognition thanks to the project.’’
This project sought to spur internationalisation of the University of Primorska, particularly through enhanced inclusion of foreign experts in the pedagogical and research process. At the same time, university launched activities that boost its international recognition and put it on the European and global higher education map.
Area: Koper, Izola, Portorož
- Indicative project value: EUR 705,000
- Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 599,000