S piškotki izboljšujemo vašo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo naših storitev se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. V redu Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo Kaj so piškotki?


Namen programa je spodbuditi zaposlovanje brezposelnih oseb, mlajših od 30 let, ki so vsaj 3 mesece vodene v evidenci brezposelnih oseb, kar jim omogoča integracijo v delovno okolje, ter izboljšanje njihovih zaposlitvenih možnosti. Dodana vrednost programa je prispevek k doseganju čim hitrejše in stabilne zaposljivosti mladih, pa tudi zmanjševanje neskladja med ponudbo in povpraševanjem na trgu dela.

Območje: Ljubljana

  • Okvirna vrednost projekta: 20.700.000 evrov
  • Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 18.400.000 evrov

 The project was nominated by David Banović: ‘’Because it makes a strong closing argument of a job-seeker at a job interview, and opens up the possibility for a long-term cooperation and stability to both, the job-seeker and the employer.’’

The aim of the programme is to spur the employment of unemployed individuals under 30 who have been registered as an unemployed person for at least three months, which gives them the opportunity to reintegrate into work environment and improves their employment opportunities.  The programme creates added value in that it contributes to making the labour market integration of these individuals faster and more stable, and helps address the mismatch between the labour market demand and supply sides.

Area: Ljubljana

  • Indicative project value: EUR 20,700,000
  • Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 18,400,000