Zaradi nove čistilne naprave za 55.000 populacijskih enot in izboljšanega kanalizacijskega sistema je Krka čistejša reka. S čistilno napravo čistijo fekalne in druge odplake, po opravljenem postopku pa priteče voda, ki je kemično in biološko čista. Mestna občina Novo mesto je s to naložbo zaključila pomemben korak na področju okoljskih naložb in ima eno najsodobnejših in najbolje delujočih čistilnih naprav v Sloveniji.
Območje: Novo mesto
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 22.306.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Kohezijski sklad): 8.059.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Jože Kobe: ‘’The project represents the pinnacle of municipality’s spatial, architectural and technologic efforts, which have had a positive impact on the Krka River and wider area.’’
The new wastewater treatment plant serving 55,000 PE and improvements carried out on the sewer system have made the Krka River a cleaner river. Wastewater which is fed from sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the treatment plant undergoes appropriate treatment procedures, and effluent discharges comply with the required water quality standards. This investment is one of the many that Urban Municipality of Novo mesto has made in environmental protection, and allows the municipality to benefit from one of the most modern and high-performing wastewater treatment plants in the country.
Area: Novo mesto
- Indicative project value: EUR 22,306,000
- Indicative EU contribution (Cohesion Fund): EUR 8,059,000