V okviru projekta so obnovili brod na Muri, postavili spletne kamere in trijezične informacijske table tako na slovenski kot tudi na avstrijski strani. Brod na Muri na tem mestu stoji že 150 let in je danes eden izmed štirih, ki še vozijo po reki. Hkrati je tudi edinstveni mednarodni mejni prehod. Danes ga uporabljajo predvsem turisti, saj preko broda vodijo naveze mednarodnih kolesarskih poti in pešpoti.
Območje: Sladki vrh, Šentilj
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 183.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj): 156.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Štefan Žvab: ‘’The project has contributed enormously to infrastructure development and has spurred cross-border tourism, while connecting and uniting international cycle routes and pathways.’’
The project activities included renovation of the traditional wooden ferry on the Mura River, installation of web cameras and putting up information signposts with information in three languages on the Slovenian and Austrian side. The renowned Mura River ferry has been used for 150 years and is one of the four remaining ferries that still take tourists or anyone else on a trip across the river. At the same time, this is a unique way to cross the border. It is mostly used by tourists nowadays, as the ferry serves as connection between international cycle routes and pathways.
Area: Sladki vrh, Šentilj
- Indicative project value: EUR 183,000
- Indicative EU contribution (ERDF): EUR 156,000