Projekt zajema dva samostojna vodooskrbna sistema, ki vsak zase predstavljata enoten sistem oskrbe s pitno vodo. Gre za sistem elementov vodovoda, kot so cevovodi, črpališča in vodohrani. Oba vodovodna sistema s pitno vodo skupaj oskrbujeta več kot 55.000 prebivalcev. Z izvedbo projektov bo skupno vgrajenih 30.180 metrov vodovodnih cevovodov, 10 črpališč in 5 vodohranov, ki bodo izboljšali kakovost pitne vode in nemoteno oskrbovanje z njo.
Območje: Kamnik, Domžale, Mengeš, Trzin, Moravče
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 11.384.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Kohezijski sklad): 6.941.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Marjana Kadunc: ‘’The project included the construction of a 30-kilometre long water distribution network, five water reservoirs and ten pumping stations.’’
The project comprises two stand-alone water distribution systems, each an independent water supply system in the area it serves, each consisting of interconnected series of elements such as pipes, pumping stations and storage facilities. Both systems together serve a total of more than 55,000 residents. The project encompasses the installation of 30,180 metres of pipes, as well as the construction of ten pumping stations and five water storage facilities that will improve the quality of drinking water and guarantee reliable supply.
Area: Kamnik, Domžale, Mengeš, Trzin, Moravče
- Indicative project value: EUR 11,384,000
- Indicative EU contribution (Cohesion Fund): EUR 6,941,000