Z javnim povabilom je bilo spodbujeno izobraževanja in usposabljanja zaposlenih. Delodajalce je spodbudilo, da začnejo sistematično vlagati v zaposlene in tako v skladu s potrebami trga dela odpravijo strukturna neskladja, izboljšajo usposobljenost človeških virov in povečajo mobilnost ter zaposljivost.
Območje: Savinjska in druge slovenske regije
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 9.825.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 8.352.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Helena Knez: ‘’Funding under the Worker Education and Training Programme helped Slovenian businesses make additional investments in education and training of more than 15,000 workers for the most part aged 50 years.’’
Once launched, the invitation spurred employee education and training and encouraged the employers to start making systematic investments in human resources in order to address the structural mismatch in line with the labour market demand, build human resource capacities and boost mobility and employability.
Area: the Savinja region and other regions across Slovenia
- Indicative project value: EUR 9,825,000
- Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 8,352,000