Projekt je namenjen ranljivim skupinam ljudi – predvsem priseljencem in invalidnim osebam – živečih na Jesenicah z željo, da jih dodatno izobražuje – iz tekstilnega oblikovanja, ustvarjanja video vsebin, trženjskih, prodajnih in socialnih veščin – ter jih na ta način psihosocialno opolnomoči. Cilj projekta je priprava kolekcije tekstilnih izdelkov namenjenih trženju in spletni prodaji, izdelava in zagon prodajne spletne strani ter so-ustvarjanje predstavitvenega videa z namenom nastopa in promocije na platformi množičnega financiranja.
Območje: Jesenice, Ljubljana
- Okvirna vrednost projekta: 114.000 evrov
- Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 91.000 evrov
The project was nominated by Tjaša Bavcon: ‘’This project makes art, textile design, social skills and knowledge of product promotion and marketing a source of social, financial and physical empowerment of immigrant women.’’
The project targets vulnerable groups, notably immigrants and people with disabilities, living in the town of Jesenice with the desire to have further education. Their psychosocial empowerment is achieved through textile design learning, video content creation, marketing, public promotion and social skills. Textile design has become a medium for psychosocial empowerment as well as a sustainable business model for financial independence. The aim of the project is for the participants to launch a collection of textile products that will be marketed and sold online, build and launch an online store, and co-make a pitch video to promote the project on a crowdfunding platform and get their message through to the audience.
Area: Jesenice, Ljubljana
- Indicative project value: EUR 114,000
- Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 91,000