Namen projekta je krepitev zaposljivosti pripadnic/-kov narodnih skupnosti in priseljenk/-cev na področju ovrednotenja multietnične kulturne dediščine ter povečanje njihove socialne vključenosti, preko dviga zavesti o heterogenem izvoru kulturne identitete prostora. Preko vključujočega kulturnega in kreativnega turizma bo projekt dosegel tudi za večjo zaposljivost in vključenost pripadnic/-kov ciljnih skupin v slovensko družbo.
Območje: Slovenska Istra
The project was nominated by Mirna Buić: ‘’Because it improves employability of members of ethnic communities through valorisation of multi-ethnic cultural heritage.’’
The project seeks to increase employment rates of the target group of members of ethnic communities in the sector of valorisation of multi-ethnic cultural heritage, and improve their social inclusion through raising awareness about the heterogeneous cultural identity of the area. Inclusive cultural and creative tourism activities under the project will result in enhanced employability and participation of members of the target group in Slovenian society.
Area: Slovenian Istria