We are happy to announce that the first two workshops for the applicants wishing to submit their proposals for standard projects in the frame of the Open call for proposals under the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Austria 2021-2027 will take place on 13 and 17 January 2023.
The first workshop will take place in Klagenfurt, Austria, on 13 January 2023, and the second one in Ptuj, Slovenia, on 17 January 2023.
Please read the invitation and the workshop programme and fill out the application form. The programme of both workshops will be the same. Both Slovenian and German speaking potential applicants will be able to participate in either one of the two workshops as interpretation will be provided.
Workshop for applicants, Klagenfurt, Austria, 13 January 2023, application form: Workshop for applicants (Austria) – Interreg Programme Slovenia – Austria (si-at.eu) (in Slovene and German)
Workshop for applicants, Ptuj, Slovenia, 17 January 2023, application form: Workshop for applicants (Slovenia) – Interreg Programme Slovenia – Austria (si-at.eu) (in Slovene and German)
Invitation 13 January 2023 (in Slovene and German)
Invitation 17 January 2023 (in Slovene and German)