Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has issued a financial support decision for the project “Wastewater collection and treatment in the Dravinja River basin – municipality Slovenska Bistrica”. The project worth over EUR 13 million will be implemented by the municipality Slovenska Bistrica and will receive EUR 5.9 million of European Regional Development Fund support.
The project will result in the construction of the infrastructure needed for wastewater treatment in Zgornja Polskava which will be connected to the wastewater treatment plant Pragersko. Currently, the majority of the population is not connected to proper public infrastructure for wastewater collection and treatment; they use septic tanks or individual small treatment plants. Upgrading the sewerage system in Zgornja Polskava will facilitate collection of the greatest possible share of wastewater in the area within the treatment plant. The main goal of the project is thus to reduce emission into water by constructing infrastructure for wastewater collection and treatment.