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Programmes Interreg ALPINE SPACE and Interreg MEDITERRANEAN are taking part in this year’s REGIOSTARS Awards competition with EU-funded projects that stand out in terms of their excellence and innovation that they bring to their regional environment and could be inspiring to other regions and project managers. Vote for your favourite project in the following categories by clicking here:

  •  Smart growth -
    • ALPINE SPACE - project ALPFOODWAY took an interdisciplinary transnational and participatory approach to food heritage in the Alpine Space and brought together seven countries. Slovenian partners taking part in the project were Development Agency Upper Gorenjska, Regional Development Agency Northern Primorska and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  • Sustainable growth -
    • ALPINE SPACE - project GREENCYCLE (introducing circular economy system to Alpine Space to achieve low-carbon targets) was carried out in seven countries; the project lead partner was the Municipality of Maribor, the second project partner from Slovenia was e-ZAVOD.
    • MEDITERRANEAN - project INTERREG MED SYNGGI (horizontal project supporting projects in the scope of Green Growth initiative) was implemented in five countries; project PrioritEE (prioritize energy efficiency measures in public buildings: a decision support tool for regional and local public authorities) was also implemented in five Mediterranean countries.
  • Inclusive growth -
    • ALPINE SPACE - project SMARTVILLAGES (smart digital transformation of villages in the Alpine space) is carried out in seven countries. Project lead partner is Slovenia-based University of Maribor; University of Ljubljana and enterprise Smartis d.o.o from Slovenia also take part in the project.
    • MEDITERRANEAN - project CAMARG (testing and validating an advanced solution for e-commerce suited to support small producers (farmers, food artisans, small retailers) in MED territories was implemented in five countries.
  • Urban development -
    • MEDITERANNEAN - project REMEDIO (transforming roads affected by traffic congestion into horizontal condominiums, i.e. forms of participatory governance bringing together the relevant actors to improve mobility, freight logistics and environmental quality) was implemented in five countries.
  • Youth empowerment -
    • ALPINE SPACE - project YOUrALPS (educating youth for the Alps: (re)connecting youth and mountain heritage for an inspiring future in the Alps) was implemented in five countries. University of Ljubljana and Biotechnical Centre Naklo acted as Slovenian project partners.
    • MEDITERRANEAN - project MAESTRALE (Strategy for introducing blue energy in the Mediterranean and creating blue energy laboratories) brought together experts and researchers from eight Mediterranean countries, including Slovenia-based agency GOLEA.


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