Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy, dr Aleksander Jevšek, and European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, signed the Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the European Commission in Ljubljana today. The adoption and signing of the Agreement paves the way for investment of 3.26 billion euros from Cohesion Policy in Slovenia in the programming period 2021-2027.
After taking office in June this year, one of the main priorities of the new government was to prepare the Partnership Agreement and the Cohesion Policy Programme, the two key documents for the programming period 2021-2027, said Minister Jevšek at a press conference that followed the signing ceremony.
''We managed that thanks to inclusive approach, hard work and close cooperation with the European Commission, the ministries, the government offices, the development councils of both cohesion regions, the economic and social partners, because we believe that we can shape our future together, in dialogue with stakeholders and by understanding the challenges ahead.''
The Partnership Agreement sets out that in the programming period 2021-2027, which will end in 2029, Slovenia will earmark:
- EUR 806 million for a green and low-carbon transition; for investments in wind and solar energy capacities and improved energy efficiency of buildings;
- EUR 727 million for research, development and innovation; for investments in research infrastructure and research capacity;
- EUR 769 million for social inclusion, employment, education and training;
- EUR 511 million for sustainable and smart mobility; for investments in modernisation of public passenger transport, especially railnetwork;
- EUR 95 million for territorial approaches, such as urban and local development;
- EUR 250 million for the Savinjsko-Šaleška region for shifting away from coal, and for restructuring of the Zasavje region.
Minister Jevšek was confident that Slovenia would finalise the Cohesion Policy Programme by the end of the year. ‘’Today, Slovenian Government approved the Cohesion Policy Programme. We expect the programme to be approved by both development councils of cohesion regions shortly, which will be followed by official submission for adoption to the European Commission. If we duly respect the relevant procedures and deadlines, we hope that the Commission will approve the programme by the end of the year, which is our common goal.’’
Once the programme is approved by the European Commission, Slovenia can start using the EU funds made available for the 2021-2027 period, added the Minister.
On this occasion Commissioner Ferreira said: ‘’Together, we will build a smarter and a stronger Slovenian economy, a greener and a fairer Slovenia. With the Partnership Agreement approved, now is the time for concrete action on the ground. Together, we approved this Agreement, together we must make sure it works.’’
Ms Ferreira underscored several priority areas of investment in the new programming period. She said that investment in digitalisation and increased competitiveness should be stepped up, in particular investment in innovation. According to the Commissioner, Slovenia lagged behind in this area in the past. In the new programming period, the area is to receive a total of EUR 727 million. The Commissioner highlighted that the new Partnership Agreement also brings significant investment in green transition and renewable energy.
Last week, the European Commission adopted the Partnership Agreement. Today, the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, arrived in Slovenia for a two-day visit. After today’s official signing ceremony marking the adoption of the Partnership Agreement, the Commissioner will visit several EU-funded projects in Maribor and Murska Sobota tomorrow.
Cohesion Policy is the main investment policy of the European Union and significantly contributes to a faster development of the Union. It pursues the long-term goal of reducing economic and social disparities across the Union, which is possible only with long-term planning of structural reforms and investments. The Partnership Agreement covers the investments from all Cohesion Policy Funds, i.e. the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund+, the Cohesion Fund, and the Just Transition Fund. It also includes investments under the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund.