Ljubljana, 22 June 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater collection and treatment in Ljubljanica River basin – Municipality Brezovica – Agreement on the development of region. The nearly EUR 11 million environmental infrastructure project will be implemented by Municipality Brezovica under the Agreement on the development of the Osrednjeslovenska region and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to EUR 3.7 million.
A new public wastewater collection and treatment system serving additional 2,171 PE will be constructed as part of the project. More specifically, a sewerage system will be built in the agglomerations Brezovica and Žabnica so that 2,040 local residents will benefit from better wastewater treatment services.
The share of the population in the agglomeration Brezovica connected to the public wastewater collection and treatment system will stand at 98.15% once the project is completed.
The project will kick off this year and is expected to be completed in 2023.