S piškotki izboljšujemo vašo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo naših storitev se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. V redu Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo Kaj so piškotki?


Ljubljanski regijski center za ravnanje z odpadki je največji kohezijski projekt s področja okolja v državi, delovati je začel konec leta 2015 in skrbi za odpadke tretjine Slovenije. Regijski center sestavljajo razširjeno odlagališče, čistilna naprava za izcedne vode in objekti za predelavo odpadkov.  Projekt je primer dobre prakse na področju povezovanja in sodelovanja občin ter povezovalni element ravnanja z odpadki v Sloveniji med občinami in regijami. Vanj je trenutno vključenih 43 občin.

Območje: Ljubljana

  • Okvirna vrednost projekta: 143.922.000 evrov
  • Okviren EU prispevek (Kohezijski sklad): 77.507.000 evrov

The project was nominated by Nina Sankovič: ‘’This is the largest and most modern waste treatment facility in the region and in the country, for that matter. It receives a third of waste generated in the country, provides for its treatment, and brings the concept of circular economy to life.’’

The Ljubljana regional waste management centre has been the largest environmental project to receive EU support in Slovenia. It began running in the end of 2015 and now receives a third of waste generated in the country. The regional waste management centre consists of the expanded landfill site, leachate treatment plant and several waste processing facilities. This major project makes up an excellent good practice example in terms of integration of and cooperation between a number of municipalities and serves as a major national link bringing together municipalities and regions in the waste management sector. As many as 43 Slovenian municipalities are part of the project currently. 

Area: Ljubljana

  • Indicative project value: EUR 143,922,000
  • Indicative EU contribution (Cohesion Fund): EUR 77,507,000